Neuron API Reference

Window API


Returns the width of the current window
Returns the height of the current window

Static Properties

Returns the event of the current window

Math API

Static Properties

Returns the value of infinity
Returns the value of pi
Returns the value of Euler’s constant

Static Methods

[math.abs => x]
Returns the absolute value of x
[math.acos => x]
Returns the arccosine of x
[math.acosh => x]
Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of x
[math.asin => x]
Returns the arcsine of x
[math.asinh => x]
Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of x
[math.atan => x]
Returns the arctangent of x
[math.atanh => x]
Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of x
[math.atan2 => x y]
Returns the arctangent of the quotient of x and y
[math.cbrt => x]
Returns the cube root of x
[math.ceil => x]
Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to x
[math.clz32 => x]
Returns the number of leading zeroes of the 32-bit integer x
[math.cos => x]
Returns the cosine of x
[math.cosh => x]
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x
[math.fround => x]
Returns the nearest single precision float representation of x
[math.hypot => ...]
Returns the square root of the sum of squares of its arguments
[math.imul => x y]
Returns the result of the 32-bit integer multiplication of x and y
[math.log => x]
Returns the natural logarithm of x
[math.log10 => x]
Returns the base-10 logarithm of x
[math.log2 => x]
Returns the base-2 logarithm of x
[math.max => ...]
Returns the largest of its arguments
[math.min => ...]
Returns the smallest of its arguments
[math.pow => x y]
Returns base x to the exponent power y
Returns a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1
[math.round => x]
Returns x rounded to the nearest integer
[math.sign => x]
Returns the sign of x
[math.sin => x]
Returns the sine of x
[math.sinh => x]
Returns the hyperbolic sine of x
[math.sqrt => x]
Returns the positive square root of x
[math.tan => x]
Returns the tangent of x
[math.tanh => x]
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x
[math.trunc => x]
Returns the integer portion of x


Static Methods

[json.parse => json]
Returns the object represented by json
[json.string => json]
Returns the string value of json

RegExp API

Static Methods

[re.match => string regexp]
Returns the matching string against the regular expression
[re.replace => string regexp string]
Returns the string value, replacing the matching strings against the regular expression

Time API

Static Properties
Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time
Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current day of the week
Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current year
Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current hour
Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current millisecond
Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current minute
Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current month
Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current second
Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time
Returns the time-zone offset in minutes for the current locale
Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current day of the month according to universal time