Neuron Standard Properties Reference

Static Methods

[colorspaces.hextorgba => hex]
Returns the RGBA value of hex
[int? => x]
Returns a boolean corresponding to the value of x, if x is an integer
[bool? => x]
Returns a boolean corresponding to the value of x, if x is a boolean
[concatenate => x y]
Returns a string with the concatenated value of x and y
[length? => string]
Returns the length of string
[includes? => string value]
Returns a boolean corresponding to the value of string, if string includes value
[upcase => string]
Returns a string corresponding to the uppercased value of string
[downcase => string]
Returns a string corresponding to the lowercased value of string
Returns the value of a prompt, containing the user input

Static Properties

The inheritance property
setProperty(object, property, value)
Sets the property of the given object to the passed value
fill(r, g, b, a)
Sets the fill property to the values passed
stroke(object, property, value)
Sets the stroke property to the values passed
position(x, y)
Sets the position property to the values passed
Sets the width property to the values passed
Sets the height property to the values passed
polygon([x, y]...)
Sets the polygon property containing the passed values; generates a polygon containing the passed values
The shorthand variable value property
Returns the given value
Sets the gradient property containing the passed values; generates a gradient containing the passed values
Sets the polygon property containing the passed values; generates an image containing the passed values
Produces an alert in the current window containing the given value
Produces a new window
Invokes the given object
onclick([redirect/log/alert/...], value)
Executes the given function once clicked
appendProperty(object, property, value)
Appends a property with the passed value to the given object
Redirects the page to the given URL